| H.1. | Public Hearing | Isabela Zimmerman and Mikke Seppala request a change in zoning classification from GU to AGR. (24Z00065) (Tax Account 2005717) (District 1) | | |
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Not available
| H.2. | Public Hearing | Nicholas Duffy requests a change in zoning classification from BU-1 to BU-2. (24Z00071) (Tax Account 3006387) (District 3) | | |
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Not available
| H.3. | Public Hearing | The Lila Songer Trust (Thomas Songer) request a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.20), to change the Future Land Use Designation from Agric to RES 1. (24SS00020) (Tax Account 3037863 and a portion of 2002415) (District 1) | | |
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Not available
| H.4. | Public Hearing | The Lila Songer Trust (Thomas Songer) request a change in zoning classification from AU and RRMH-1 to RRMH-1. (24Z00070) (Tax Account 3037863 and a portion of 2002415) (District 1) | | |
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Not available
| H.5. | Public Hearing | City Pointe Landfall LLC. (David Bassford) requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (3rd of 2025, 24S.11), to change the Future Land Use Designation from Res 1, Res 2, Res 4, and NC to CC and Res 4. (24SS00009) (Tax Account 2411252) (District 1) | | |
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Not available
| H.6. | Public Hearing | City Pointe Landfall LLC. (David Bassford) requests a change in zoning classification from EU and RP with an existing BDP to PUD with the removal of existing BDP. (24PUD00003) (Tax Account 2411252) (District 1) | | |
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Not available
| H.7. | Public Hearing | Jay Sriambe LLC. (Bruce Moia) requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.15), to change the Future Land Use Designation from CC to RES 30. (24SS00015) (Tax Account 2426536) (District 2) | | |
Not available
Not available
| H.8. | Public Hearing | Jay Sriambe LLC. (Bruce Moia) requests a change in zoning classification from BU-1 and BU-2 to RU-2-30. (24Z00066) (Tax Account 2426536) (District 2) | | |
Not available
Not available