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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2025 5:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Zoning Agenda 3-13-2025
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
7815 F.1.ConsentFinal Plat Approval, Re: Brevard Medical City P.U.D. (22SDM00001) (District 4) Developer: Chateau Madeline, LLC   Not available Video Video
7779 H.1.Public HearingCameron and Courtney Parker request a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.18), to change the Future Land Use Designation from RES 1:2.5 to RES 1. (24SS00018) (Tax Account 2401173) (District 1)   Not available Video Video
7779 H.1.Public HearingCameron and Courtney Parker request a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.18), to change the Future Land Use Designation from RES 1:2.5 to RES 1. (24SS00018) (Tax Account 2401173) (District 1)   Not available Video Video
7780 H.2.Public HearingCameron and Courtney Parker request a change of zoning classification from GU to RR-1. (24Z00068) (Tax Account 2401173) (District 1)   Not available Not available
7781 H.3.Public HearingRobert and Michelle Matthias request a change in zoning classification from EU and AU to all EU (24Z00067) (Tax Account 2511107) (District 2)   Not available Video Video
7782 H.4.Public HearingInvest Bright, LLC. (Paulo Jimenez) requests a change in zoning classification from RU-1-7 to RU-1-13. (24Z00061) (Tax Account 2800361 & 3033552) (District 5)   Not available Video Video
7783 H.5.Public HearingLisa and Christopher Manion request a change in zoning classification from GU to AU. (24Z00053) (Tax Accounts 2000768) (District 1)   Not available Video Video
7784 H.6.Public HearingFrank Mastroianni (Jason Searl) requests a change in zoning classification from BU-1 and RU-2-10(6) to RA-2-6. (24Z00069) (Tax Account 2600118) (District 2)   Not available Video Video
7785 H.7.Public HearingThe Mohan Family Trust Dated January 25th, 2023, requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-11 to BU-1-A. (24Z00063) (Tax Account 2426731) (District 2)   Not available Not available
7786 H.8.Public HearingVillas at River Palms, LLC (Edward Fleis) requests a change in zoning classification from BU-2 to RU-1-7. (23Z00067) (Tax Account 2438912, 2438913, 2438914, 2438915, 2438917 and 2438918) (District 2)   Not available Video Video