Norman Leigh Sherman, Jr., and Karen Denise Turowski request a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use designation from AGRIC to RES 1:2.5 on 3.4 acres, and AGRIC to RES 1 on 1 acre. (22SS00014) (Tax Accounts 2002089 & 2002090) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning & Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Local Planning Agency conduct a public hearing to consider a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (22S.18), to change the Future Land Use designation from AGRIC (Agriculture) to RES 1:2.5 (Residential 1:2.5) on 3.4 acres; and AGRIC to RES 1 (Residential 1) on 1 acre.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Tax Account 2002089 (3.4 acres AGRIC to RES 1:2.5)
The Residential 1:2.5 land use designation, which establishes the lowest density of all the residential future land use designations, permits a maximum density of up to one (1) unit per 2.5 acres, except as otherwise may be provided for within the Future Land Use element. However, the subject parcel's existing RRMH-1 zoning cannot be considered consistent with the RES 1:2.5 FLU designation. The subject parcel's RRMH-1 zoning classification is not consistent with the AGRIC Future Land Use designation. A companion application 23Z00016, if approved, would amend the zoning classification from RRMH-1 (Rural Residential Mobile Home 1) to AU (Agricultural Residential).
Tax Account 2002090 (1-acre AGRIC to RES 1)
The Residential 1 land use designation establishes low density residential development with a maximum density of up to one (1) unit per 1 acre, except as otherwise may be provided for within the Future Land Use element. The subject parcel's existing RRMH-1 zoning can be considered consistent with the RES 1 FLU designation; however, it is not consistent with the AGRIC Future Land Use designation. This request is to establish consistency between the zoning and Future Land Use designations.
The surrou...
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