Luz Nogueroles (Timothy Vulpius) requests a change in zoning classification from AU to RR-1. (24Z00060) (Tax Account 2509830) (District 2)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning & Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from AU (Agricultural Residential) to RR-1 (Rural Residential)
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting to rezone 1 acre of a 5 acre parcel from AU (Agricultural Residential) to RR-1 (Rural Residential). Currently, the 5 acre parcel is developed with a single-family residence, a barn, and a stable. After rezoning, the applicant intends to split the parcel. The single-family residence would be located on the 1 acre portion. The existing barn and stable would be located on the remaining 4 acres and retain the AU zoning classification. The subject property has access to Martin Road, a county-maintained roadway.
The current AU zoning classification encompasses lands devoted to agricultural pursuits and single-family residential development of spacious character on 2.5 acre lots, with a minimum lot width and depth of 150 feet. The minimum house size in AU is 750 square feet. The AU classification also permits the raising/grazing of animals, fowl and beekeeping.
The proposed RR-1 classification encompasses lands devoted to single-family residential development of spacious character, together with such accessory uses as may be necessary or are normally compatible with residential surroundings on minimum one acre lots with a minimum lot width and depth of 125 feet. Under Sec. 62-2100.5(2) the RR-1 classification permits horses, barns, and horticultural pursuits as accessory uses to a single-family residence pursuant to the following limitations. Horses, not to exceed four per acre, are permitted for the personal, noncommercial use of the occupant of the property, provid...
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