Approval, Re: Agreement with Feeding Florida, Fresh Access Bucks Program at the Brevard County Farmers Market held at Wickham Park.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no fiscal impact to the Board as this is a reimbursement to patrons.
UF/Extension Services
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Request Fresh Access Bucks Strategic Partnership Agreement with Feeding Florida, Inc. and authorize the County Manager to execute necessary Budget Change Requests.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Brevard County Farmers Market has been accepting the Supplemental Nutrition Aid Program (SNAP) and working with the Fresh Access Bucks (FAB) team since 2013. By accepting SNAP and offering the FAB program which matches SNAP benefits dollar for dollar, up to $40 per week, UF/Extension Services are able to offer local, nutritious foods to an audience that often perceives Farmers Markets as being too expensive for them. This, in turn, supports our local farmers and producers and the local economy overall. In the last two years, the Brevard County Farmers Market has generated nearly $14,000 in SNAP sales for our farmers and producers, and nearly $12,000 of FAB “Free” purchases. This represents income to our farmers and producers, and provides fresh, local produce to SNAP recipients at no cost to them.
This is a request to continue the grant, previously approved at the February 26, 2019 BOCC meeting, and authorize the County Manager to approve all necessary budget changes Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
A total of three signed and executed original agreements needed; one (1) for Clerk to the Board, one (1) for Feeding Florida, and one (1) for UF/Extension Services Department.