Approval, re: Tourist Development Office (TDO) Proposed FY 2024-25 Marketing & Media Plan, approval for the TDO Director to make Vendor Selections, Negotiate and Execute Agreements with Media and Advertising Vendors
Fiscal Impact:
FY 2023-24 Marketing & Media Plan $13,385,000.00 (Fund 1441)/Disaster Funds $1,358,843.00 (Fund 1444).
Tourism Development Office
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners:
1. Approve the attached proposed FY 2024-25 Marketing & Media Plan for the Tourism Development Office (TDO) in the total amount of $13,385,000.00, including the selection of the media vendors listed in the 2025 Marketing Plan presentation.
2. It is requested that the Board approve the TDO Director to negotiate and execute contracts, contract amendments, and any necessary contracts for selected marketing, media and advertising firms within the Board approved FY 2024-25 Marketing & Media Plan, upon review and approval by the County Attorney's Office, Risk Management, and Purchasing Services in accordance with Administrative Order AO-29, "Contract and Grant Administration," up to and exceeding $200,000, the total amount not to exceed $13,385,000.00.
3. It is also requested the Board approve the ability for the TDO to receive and accept revenue from cooperative advertising partners and grants from organizations (such as the Florida Sports Foundation).
4. It is further authorized that the TDO Director be able to access Disaster Funds (Fund 1444) in the event of a state or local emergency declaration, natural or man-made disaster for the purposes of advertising/marketing/promotional costs of up to and exceeding $200,000, the total amount not to exceed $1,358,843.00.
5. The focus of the advertising and promotions for FY 2023/24 will be the following priorities in listed order:
1. Beaches 4. Nature/Outdoors
2. Space/Launches 5. Attractions/Culture/Events
3. Cruise 6. Shopping/Dining/D...
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