The Lila Songer Trust (Thomas Songer) request a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.20), to change the Future Land Use Designation from Agric to RES 1. (24SS00020) (Tax Account 3037863 and a portion of 2002415) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Local Planning Agency consider a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.20), to change the Future Land Use designation from Agric (Agricultural) to RES 1 (Residential 1).
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SSCPA) to change the Future Land Use designation from Agricultural (AGRIC) to Residential 1 (RES 1) on a proposed 1.13-acre flag lot. The applicant has a companion rezoning application, 24Z00070, requesting a change from AU and RRMH-1 to all RRMH-1. The proposed parcel is currently undeveloped.
The subject property was subdivided from the parent parcel, without the flag stem, on October 24, 2024, per Official Records Book (ORB) 10184, Page 2030.
The subject property retains the original Agricultural (AGRIC) FLU designation established in 1988 by the Brevard County Comprehensive Plan. The AGRIC land use designation establishes the lowest density of all the residential future land use designations, which permits a maximum density of up to one (1) unit per 5 acres. The requested Residential 1 land use designation permits low density residential development with a maximum density of up to one (1) unit per acre. Since the inception noted above, the subject property has been substandard to the lot size of the FLU.
The subject parcel is located on the north side of Harrison Road, approximately 2,396 feet (0.45 miles) west of Hog Valley Road.
To the north and east is a 7.54-acre parcel developed as a single-family residence with AU zoning and AGRIC FLU designation. To the south, across Harrison Road are three (3) lo...
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