Permission to Issue Annual Supply Bids, Proposals, and Request for Qualifications or Negotiate Competitive Contracts for County Fiscal Year 2024-25.
Fiscal Impact:
The estimated expenditures to procure these commodities and services are based on historical use by the County Departments and Offices, and the procurement is within their FY 2024-25 Board Adopted Annual Operating and Capital Budget.
Central Services/Purchasing Services
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners authorize Purchasing Services to coordinate the following procurement actions:
1. Solicit competitive bids or negotiated competitive contracts and award to the lowest, most responsive, responsible, and most qualified vendor(s); and
2. Solicit competitive proposals and requests for qualifications, establish selection and negotiation committees' approval by the County Manager or designee, and award to the highest ranked proposer(s); and
3. Exercise renewal options upon evaluation of the supplier's performance and recommendation from the user Department or Office; and
4. Authorize the County Manager to award and execute contracts, contract renewals, contract amendments, contract extensions, task orders, and purchase orders subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney's Office, Risk Management, and Purchasing Services.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Prior to the beginning of each year, Purchasing Services and Departments and Offices work together to develop an Annual Bid/Proposal/Qualifications (BPQ) for the Board's approval. Departments and Offices estimate their annual procurement requirements for the items listed on the BPQ and are grouped by category for these commodities in order to develop a procurement process that achieves savings using formal competitive processes. The annual competitive process establishes a source, a firm price, and a performance period on high-volume, repetitive mat...
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