Villas of Sherwood, Inc. & Sherwood Golf Club, Inc. (Jorge Ballarena) request a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (23S.05) to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 4 to RES 15. (23SS00005) (Tax Account 2100937, 2100938, 2113021, 2111319) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Local Planning Agency conduct a public hearing to consider a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (23S.05) to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 4 (Residential 4) to RES 15 (Residential 15).
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Residential 4 (RES 4) to Residential 15 (RES 15) on a 7.75+/- acre portion of approximately 136.46? acres for the purposes of developing a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on the former golf course. The subject property is on the west side of N. Carpenter Rd. The FLUM amendment from RES 4 to RES 15 on 7.75 acres is needed to achieve the residential density required for the multi-family portion of the PUD. With the PUD zoning, the applicant is requesting 112 multi-family apartments. Based on the acreage, the request would allow up to 116 multi-family apartments.
A companion rezoning application (23Z00035) was submitted accompanying this request to change the zoning classifications of the entire 136.46? acre property from Medium-density multi-family residential (RU-2-15), Planned Unit Development (PUD), Agricultural Residential (AU), General Use (GU), Single-family Residential (RU-1-13), Single-family Residential (RU-1-11), Medium-density Multi-family Residential (RU-2-10), Estate Use Residential (EU), and Suburban Residential (SR) with BDPs to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with removal of the BDPs. These existing BDP's are discussed in the staff comments for the companion PUD zoning request (23Z00035).
The subject property is surroun...
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