Approval to execute a Property Owner's Consent Form with the Florida City Gas Company for the Brevard Energy LLC renewable natural gas facility construction project at the Central Disposal Facility.
Fiscal Impact:
No fees are associated with this agreement.
Solid Waste Management Department
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chair to execute the Property Owner's Consent Form between Florida City Gas Company and the Board of County Commissioners, Brevard County, Florida, granting Florida City Gas permission to construct, and retain access to, a pipeline gas metering station within the area at the Central Disposal Facility currently leased by Brevard Energy LLC for their renewable natural gas facility construction project.
Summary Explanation and Background:
In January 2023, the Board of County Commissioners approved and authorized the Chair to execute an amended Landfill Gas Purchase Contract and amended Lease with Brevard Energy LLC. The purpose of the Contract and Lease amendments was to extend the life of the contracts to ensure a return on investment for the construction and operation of a Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) facility at the Central Disposal Facility. Brevard Energy LLC is in the process of expanding their landfill gas processing through construction and operation of a pipeline-quality landfill gas processing facility, conversion of the existing landfill gas-to-energy facility to a natural gas-to-energy facility, and utilization of the generated electricity to power the RNG facility. Expansion of the operation includes extending a natural gas pipeline from the RNG facility to Adamson Road, where it will then ultimately connect to an existing Florida City Gas Company pipeline. To achieve this, Florida City Gas Company requires a natural gas metering station to be placed at the RNG facility.
In lieu of granting an easement, or subl...
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