Aaron Reninger (Kim Rezanka) requests a change of zoning classification from RRMH-1 to TR-3 with an amended BDP. (24Z00005) (Tax Accounts 2002219, 2002228, 2002229, 2002230, 2002231, & 2002232) (District 1).
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from RRMH-1 (Rural Residential Mobile Home) to TR-3 (Mobile Home Park) with an amended BDP (Binding Development Plan). This item was continued from the June 10, 2024, P&Z/LPA meeting.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting to change the zoning classification from RRMH-1 (Rural Residential Mobile Home) to TR-3 (Mobile Home Park) on a 17.01 acre parcel to develop a tiny home development that would allow mobile homes, tiny homes, and tiny homes on wheels. The subject parcel is currently undeveloped and has access on Gandy Road, a county-maintained roadway.
A companion application, 24SS00002, if approved, would amend the FLUM designation from Agricultural (AGRIC) to Residential 6 (RES 6). The requested RES 6 FLUM designation would establish low density residential development with a maximum density of up to six (6) units per acre.
The owner/applicant has provided a Binding Development Plan (BDP) that would limit maximum residential density to two (2) units per acre and a minimum lot size of one-quarter acre.
To the north of the subject property is a vacant property with a zoning classification of RRMH-1 and a FLU designation of AGRIC. There are single-family, site-built homes on both the east and west of this access strip that have a zoning classifications of GU and RRMH-1 and FLU designation AGRIC. To the south, the Hidden Lakes subdivision with a minimum lot size requirement of one-half acre lots for manufactured housing has a TR-2 zoning classification and a FLU designation of RES 2. There...
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