William & Jeanette Gonedridge requests a changes of zoning classification from RR-1 to AU(L) and removal of an existing BDP. (24Z00003) (Tax Account 2000372) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from RR-1 (Rural Residential) to AUL (Agricultural Residential Low Intensity) with the removal of an existing BDP (Binding Development Plan).
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicants are requesting to rezone the property from RR-1 (Rural Residential) to AU(L) (Agriculture Residential Low Intensity) with the removal of an existing BDP limiting the development to two (2) lots. The applicants propose to construct a barn for personal use without an existing principal structure.
In 2022, the home on the property was demolished and the subject parcel was rezoned from AU to RR-1 (via 22Z00018) for the purpose of having two lots. The applicants are now requesting the removal of the existing Binding Development Plan (BDP) and a change to AU(L) on the 3.33-acre site.
The requested zoning of AU(L) zoning classification permits single-family residences and agricultural pursuits. The AU(L) classification also permits the raising/grazing of animals, fowl and beekeeping for personal use and prohibits commercial agricultural activities.
The predominate zoning classification in the surrounding area is RR-1 with AU zoning to the west and SR (Suburban Residential) and RU-1-9 (Residential Single-Family) zoning to the east.
The Board may consider if the request is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area.
Clerk to the Board Instructions: