Permission to Accept a Grant from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Matching Fund Donations for Artificial Reef Construction
Fiscal Impact:
$60,000 of grant revenue (Fund 1700) and $6,000 in donation revenue (Boating and Waterways Fund 0034) used as the 10% local match required for the grant.
Natural Resources Management Department
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board: 1) Authorize the Chairman to execute an Artificial Reef Construction Grant Agreement between Brevard County and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; 2) Accept matching fund donations; 3) Authorize staff to competitively bid and the County Manager to execute a construction contract with the lowest responsive and qualified bidder; and 4) authorize associated Budget Change Requests.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Brevard County Boating & Waterways Program is actively pursuing funding to deploy artificial reef material within the permitted Brevard County Artificial Reef Site 2 area. Artificial reefs link ecological, recreational, and economic objectives. By developing a well-managed artificial reef site, the County seeks to increase viable habitat for key recreational and commercial fish species along Florida's Central Atlantic coast. It has been shown that well-managed artificial reef sites can be a driving factor for recreational and commercial fishing as well as diving. Regional growth in recreational and commercial use directly increases expenditures at regional waterfront businesses such as bait shops, fishing and diving charters/businesses, and boat rental/sales locations, thus motivating the economy of the associated shoreline community and the region.
The permitted Brevard County reef site is located approximately 15.5 nautical miles east of Port Canaveral. Site depths range from 76 ft. to 88 ft. This 3,085-acre site was selected due to its expanse of open sandy bottom and...
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