Adoption of the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan 2025 Update, as recommended by the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Citizens Oversight Committee
Fiscal Impact:
The recommended plan update recognizes a $20,444 increase in total revenues to be generated by the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Surtax over its 10-year life (increased from $585.71 million to $585.73 million) with $9.245 million re-allocated for new projects as follows: 3 wastewater projects; 11 stormwater treatment projects; 4 restoration projects; and 1 aquatic vegetation harvesting project.
Natural Resources Management
Requested Action:
It is requested the Board of County Commissioners adopt (or modify and adopt) the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan 2025 Update, as recommended unanimously by the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Citizen Oversight Committee on January 17, 2025; and maintain the following administrative authorities provided by past Board actions with the inclusion of grants agreements in number 2 below:
1) authorize associated budget change requests;
2) approve continued signature authority to the Chairman (or authorized representative, in accordance with the threshold limits provided for in Brevard County policies and administrative orders) to execute contracts, agreements, task orders, change orders, contract renewals, amendments, other contract-related documents and grant agreements, subject to review and approval by the County Attorney, Risk Management and Purchasing, as appropriate, for projects and programs approved in the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan;
3) approve authority for the Director of Natural Resources Management to execute no-cost time extensions up to one year total and approve the County Manager to execute no-cost time extensions up to two years total;
4) grant permission to advertise and competitively procure goods and services needed to implement projects and programs approved in the...
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