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File #: 7731   
Type: New Business - Development and Environmental Services Group Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/21/2025 In control: Utility Services Department
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: Board Direction on Request from Space Florida Connection Sykes Creek Wastewater (Merritt Island) Treatment Facility (District 2)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A_Space Florida sewer servcie area.pdf, 2. Attachment B Brevard County Draft Letter to Space Florida (002).pdf, 3. Attachment C_Summary Letter to Brevard County January 2025.pdf
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Board Direction on Request from Space Florida Connection Sykes Creek Wastewater (Merritt Island) Treatment Facility (District 2)
Fiscal Impact:
Requesting $130M from Space Florida for improvements to the Sykes Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) plus receiving monthly sewer user rates from each sewer account created within the specified sewer service area within Space Florida (see attachment A)
Utility Services Department
Requested Action:
Staff is requesting direction from the Board regarding the attached draft response letter to Space Florida created by Brevard County staff. The draft letter (see attachment B) states that the overall capital cost requested by Brevard County from Space Florida is $130M for capital improvements to the Sykes Creek WWTF to accommodate the additional sewer flows from Space Florida and outlines key conditions requested by Brevard County to be included in any agreement.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Over the past 6 months, dialogue has been on-going between Space Florida and Brevard County regarding Space Florida's request to connect to the Sykes Creek sewer collection system located on Merritt Island. This dialogue was initiated by Space Florida due to the wastewater treatment plant capacity, operated by Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and serves the Space Florida area, is near its capacity causing Space Florida to seek alternative solutions for additional treatment plant capacity to serve continued growth in the space sector. Throughout our discussions, it was the County's prerogative to assure that no environmental mishaps would occur from accepting Space Florida sewer flows and to assure that there would be no financial burden to the County utility rate payers.

This matter was most recently brought forth to the Board at the December 3, 2024, Regular Board Meeting to update the Board on their request with a commitment from staff to update the Board on any p...

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