Request Permission to Issue Invitation to Bid for Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands Maintenance Contractor (District 4).
Fiscal Impact:
The estimated cost over a five-year timeframe is $400,000. Funding is available in the Utility Services Operations and Maintenance Budget.
Utility Services
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners grant Purchasing Services, on behalf of the Utility Services Department, permission to competitively procure and award an Invitation to Bid for Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands (the Wetlands) Maintenance Contractor. It is also requested, that the Board authorizes the County Manager to execute, as necessary, all contract amendments, and any pay extensions, budget change requests (BCR), and change orders, upon review and approval by the County Attorney's Office, Risk Management and Purchasing Services.
Summary Explanation and Background:
In March 2021, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a Consent Order (OGC Case No: 21-0180) to the South-Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, due to the Wetlands exceeding the nutrient allowance during discharge events to the 4-Mile Canal. As a result of the Consent Order, it was granted by the Board on October 25, 2022, to make necessary improvements to the Wetlands. The Wetland improvements included the following: de-muck the basins, remove non-beneficial plants, complete plantings of plant species determined to provide beneficial treatment, and adjust control structures.
In 2024, all the improvements specified in the above-mentioned consent order were completed, thus the consent order case was closed. To continue maintaining the treatment wetlands and avoid future consent orders, this Department is requesting a bid for a 5-year maintenance contract for the continued removal of nonbeneficial plants, beneficial plantings, and slope mowing.
Attachment A - Maintenance Contract B...
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