Legislative Intent and Permission to Advertise an Ordinance Amending Chapter 74, Article VI, Section 74-102, Brevard County Code of Ordinances, Pertaining to Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators.
Fiscal Impact:
District 3 Commission Office
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Statement of Legislative Intent set forth below, direct the County Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending Chapter 74, Article VI, Section 74-102 of the Brevard County Code of Ordinances accordingly and a business impact estimate if required, and authorize advertisement of the Board’s intent to consider such ordinance.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Brevard County Code Section 74-102(b) prohibits sexual offenders and sexual predators from entering into or remaining within a 1,000-foot buffer zone surrounding any school, daycare center, park, or playground, unless a listed exception applies. Brevard County Code section 74-102(b)(7) provides an exception when a sexual offender or sexual predator enters or remains within a 1,000-foot buffer zone “as a result of fulfilling legally allowable duties imposed by gainful employment.”
Statement of Legislative Intent: This proposed amendment would revise the exception currently set forth in Brevard County Code Section 74-102(b)(7) to clarify that an offender or predator who has committed one or more of certain enumerated offenses where the victim is a minor cannot enter into a 1,000-foot buffer zone to work at any business, school, child care facility, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate in violation of section 775.21(10)(b), Florida Statutes.
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Please provide a copy of the Clerk to the Board’s Memorandum to the County Attorney.