Final Plat Approval, Re: Trafford Drive
Developer: ADI Lynx, LLC District 4
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
In accordance with Section 62-2841(i) and Section 62-2844, it is requested that the Board of County Commissioners grant final plat approval and authorize the Chair to sign the final plat for Trafford Drive.
Summary Explanation and Background:
There are three stages of review for a subdivision plan approval: pre-application, civil plan and preliminary plat approval, and final platting. The pre-application meeting for the Viera Village Center II was held March 4, 2021. The civil plans and preliminary plat were approved June 28, 2021. The third stage of review is the final plat approval for recordation. The original plat for Viera Village Center II was approved by the Board of County Commissioners and recorded with the Clerk of the Court on August 13, 2021. This subdivision of land establishing and dedicating Trafford Drive is a replat of Tract A of the Viera Village Center II plat.
Trafford Drive is located within the Viera DRI, east of Stadium Parkway, and north of Ivanhoe Drive. Board approval and acceptance of the proposed plat will dedicate Trafford Drive to the County for public use. Trafford Drive has been inspected and issued a certificate of completion from the Brevard County Public Works Department as part of the approved Engineering Revision for the ADI Office Park site plan 22SP00055.
Staff has reviewed the final plat and contract for Trafford Drive and has determined that it complies with the applicable ordinances.
Reference: 24FM00001, 21FM00007, 21SD00002, 22SP00055, 24ER00013
Contact: Tim Craven, Planner III, 321-350-8266
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Please have the plat mylar signed and return to Planning and Development.