JEN Florida 48, LLC (Kim Rezanka) requests a change of zoning classification from GU & AU to PUD. (23PUD00005) (Tax Account 3000277, 3000368, 3000827, 3000829) (District 5)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from GU (General Use) and AU (Agricultural Residential) to all PUD (Planned Unit Development).
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting a change of zoning classification from General Use (GU) and Agricultural Residential to Planned Unit Development (PUD) on an undeveloped 1,109.57-acre parcel. The applicant has proposed a project consisting of 3,246 single family units with an overall gross density of 3 dwelling units per acre and 398,000 square feet of commercial development. The subject parcel is currently undeveloped and has access to Babcock St. and is approximately a quarter mile south of St. Johns Heritage Pkwy SE interchange. At this time, there are no active code enforcement cases associated with the subject parcel.
A companion Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment application (23LS00001) was submitted accompanying this request to change the Future Land Use designation from Residential 1:2.5 (RES 1:2.5) to encompass 1,082.24 acres of Residential 4 (RES 4) and 27.33 acres of Community Commercial.
To the north of the subject property on the southside of Willowbrook St. is a two-mile long, linear strip of property owned by Willowbrook Farms. It varies in width from approximately 40 feet to 140 feet, and it prevents roadway access from the subject property to Willowbrook St. There is also a canal to the north of this strip. The FLUM designation of this strip is Residential 1:2.5 (RES 1:2.5) with AU and GU zoning. To the south and west is the Deer Run single-family subdivision is a large lot development with single-family, site-...
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