Standardization of Utility Services Department Operations Equipment
Fiscal Impact:
Approximately $1 million annually is spent on Utility Services operations equipment.
Utility Services
Requested Action:
It is requested the Board of County Commissioners approve the standardized equipment list for Utility Services as it pertains to equipment, parts, and service. It is requested that the Board approve the standardized equipment list remain valid for up to five (5) years.
It is also requested that standardized equipment available from only a single vendor is approved as a sole source and would not be competitively bid. If more than one vendor is available then the most competitive vendor selection method will be utilized including Invitation to Bid, existing State, Florida Sheriffs, or other Government Cooperative contracts.
Lastly, it is requested the Board authorize the County Manager to execute all necessary contract(s), contract amendment(s), and extension(s) upon review and approval of the County Attorney's Office, Risk Management, and Purchasing Service, and to execute all necessary Budget Change Requests.
Summary Explanation and Background:
By standardizing the equipment purchased by Brevard County Utility Services Department, we seek the best value, through procuring equipment not solely based on price, but based on other considerations such as: performance, durability, function, and safety. Furthermore, additional savings and benefits are realized through standardization by:
* Limiting the value and quantity of highly specialized inventory parts.
* Focusing staff training to the repair and maintenance of standardized equipment.
* Limiting the requirements for specialized tools and equipment to perform repair and maintenance.
* Ensures a safer operational environment for staff, by fostering familiarity with equipment, reducing the potential for accidents or errors.
BCC-25 provides for standardiza...
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