Approval Re: Permission to Apply to the INFRA Grants Program for Ellis Road Widening - District 5
Fiscal Impact:
A match of up to twenty percent (20%) is required if awarded. Construction is estimated at $81,108,000 and $32,155,286 will be programmed in Fiscal Year 2026 which meets the match obligation.
Public Works Department/Finance and Contracts Administration
Requested Action:
It is requested the Board of County Commissioners grant approval for the County to apply for the INFRA Grants Program for Ellis Road Widening and authorize staff to submit via the Grants.Gov portal on behalf of the County. Upon posting of the Notice of Funding Opportunity, it is requested that the Board authorize the Chair to execute a Resolution in support of the County's INFRA Grants Program application contingent upon review and approval of the County Attorney.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is anticipated to be posted for the INFRA Grants Program (known statutorily as the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects) administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The closing date for applications is typically sixty days from the NOFO. The INFRA Grants Program awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people.
The Ellis Road Widening (John Rodes Blvd to Wickham Rd) is a vital connection between the I-95 Interchange, economic generators, and the Melbourne-Orlando International Airport. The design phase is completed, and the right-of-way phase is fully funded and underway. Based on long-range estimates, the construction phase is projected to cost $81,108,000 which includes plans update and post-design services by the Engineer of Record, roadway widening construction, and construction engineering inspection ser...
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