Policy Prohibiting Elected Officials’ Names or District Designation on Specified Signs and Equipment
Fiscal Impact:
District 3 Office
Requested Action:
It is requested the Board adopt the attached policy prohibiting elected officials’ names or district designation on specified signs and equipment.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Currently, Commissioners have the option to include their names and districts on certain signs relating to construction projects. This practice has multiple negative impacts.
First, it implies that such projects are that of an individual Commissioner and it can be perceived that funds are allocated based on politics rather than where funding is most needed. In fact, all projects are driven by policy decisions of the full Board.
Such signs also create confusion as to how such projects are funded. Many projects are funded using general funds, while others are funded through taxing districts that are not identical to commission districts. As such, residents and businesses outside of a commission district are usually paying for such projects.
The attached policy would prohibit such markings on signs and equipment. Markings such as the County logo as well as the cost of a project remain permitted.
This policy would not apply to signs already created.
Clerk to the Board Instructions: