JEN Florida 48, LLC, requests Adoption of the 2023-2 Large Scale Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Designation from RES 1:2.5 to RES 4 & CC. (Residential 1 per 2.5 acres) to RES 4 (Residential 4) and CC (Community Commercial). (23LS00001) (Tax Account 3000277, 3000368, 3000827, 3000829) (District 5)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider adoption of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (2023-2) to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 1:2.5 (Residential 1 per 2.5 acres) to RES 4 (Residential 4) and CC (Community Commercial).
Summary Explanation and Background:
Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments are a multi-step process consisting of "transmittal and adoption." The Board of County Commissioners approved transmitting this Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Florida Commerce on May 2, 2024, as Item G.5. Transmittal notified Florida Commerce to conduct a State Expedited Review of the proposed amendment.
The State agencies have completed their review of the proposed amendment and made comments (see Addendum #2) with staff analysis. The applicant has requested that the adoption hearing be scheduled expeditiously.
This request is seeking to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from RES 1:2.5 to RES 4 and a portion of CC on a 1,109.57-acre parcel. The RES 4 designation would allow up to 4,329 single-family homes and 27.33 acres of Community Commercial (CC). At the transmittal hearing, the Board of County Commissioners limited residential development to 3,246 units and required dedication of a suitable site for a Fire/Rescue Station. The subject parcel is currently undeveloped and has access only along Babcock Street. This segment of Babcock St. is county-maintained roadway.
The subject property is adjacent to Res 1:2.5 to the south, west, and north (with ...
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