Indian River Lagoon (IRL) Council Grant Contract# IRL2024-08 - Citizen Science Stormwater Pond Monitoring and Maintenance Pilot Program (All Districts)
Fiscal Impact:
Grant revenue of $33,250 with a 61% local match already approved from the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Trust Fund (SOIRL Fund 1260).
Natural Resources Management
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners 1) authorize the Chair to execute this grant contract; 2) authorize the County Manager to execute any future amendments to this contract; and 3) authorize the County Manager to approve related budget change requests.
Summary Explanation and Background:
For fiscal year 2024-2025, the Indian River Lagoon Council for the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program awarded Brevard County Natural Resources $33,250 in grant funding from their program for Community-Based Restoration Projects. County match includes $33,250 from the SOIRL Trust Fund and a value of $18,234 in volunteer hours.
Reducing nutrient inputs to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is critical to improve water quality and restore lagoon health. In Brevard, approximately 35% of the nutrient pollution reaching the lagoon each year is conveyed by stormwater. Nearly half of the estimated 4,400 stormwater ponds in Brevard County are managed by Homeowner Associations (HOAs). While everyone in the lagoon watershed shares the responsibility of reducing nutrient pollution, a few neighborhood heroes can play an oversized role in reducing stormwater pollution from the stormwater pond that serves their entire community. This project aims to increase citizen awareness and engagement in reducing stormwater pollution in the IRL by 1) developing an education outreach/citizen science water quality monitoring program for HOA stormwater ponds, 2) helping HOAs identify and implement best management practices (BMPs) to improve pond function and reduce stormwater pollutio...
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