Approval RE: Disbursement of Educational Facilities Impact Fees (Districts 1-5)
Fiscal Impact:
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 disbursements to the School Board are currently budgeted at $21,638,862, contingent on actual collections amounts. This disbursement would allow for $7,620,267.67 to be disbursed to the School Board.
Planning and Development Department
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the disbursement of Educational Facilities Impact Fees in the amount of $7,620,267.67 to the School Board of Brevard County in accordance with the terms of the interlocal agreement and authorize the Budget Office to execute necessary Budget Change Requests to implement this disbursement.
Summary Explanation and Background:
On April 10, 2023, the Impact Fee Advisory Committees for the North and South Educational Facilities Impact Fee Benefit Districts met and adopted project funding recommendations for consideration by the School Board. The Impact Fee Advisory Committees consists of one representative from each of the following: The Brevard County School Board, Brevard County and each municipality within the Benefit District that has entered into an interlocal agreement with the County to participate in the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Program.
The School Board approved the funding (new impact fee collections) recommendations on April 25th, 2023 to include the below projects -
Central Area Secondary - $6,000,000
North Elementary Capacity - $1,251,668.01
South Area Elementary School Capacity - $368,599.66
Clerk to the Board Instructions: