Christopher H. Griffin requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-9 to RU-1-11. (23Z00084) (Tax Account 2864401) (District 5)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from RU-1-9 (Single-Family Residential) to RU-1-11 (Single-Family Residential).
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from RU-1-9 (Single-Family Residential Use) to RU-1-11 (Single-Family Residential) to have the zoning classification consistent and compatible with the Residential 4 (RES 4) Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation.
On September 8, 1988, Brevard County established the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and the parcel was established with the RES 4 Future Land Use. The RES 4 FLU is not consistent/compatible with the RU-1-9 zoning classification. Per section 62-1188(5) the parcel was considered nonconforming to the RES 4 FLU as the parcel was of record in the Official Record Books of the County when the Comprehensive Plan was established.
On August 9, 2006, the parcel was split per Official Records Book 5692, page 2747 which split off the south 13.75 feet from the parcel. This lot split caused the parcel to lose its nonconforming status to the RES 4 Future Land Use.
The historical land use patterns of the surrounding development can be characterized as single-family residences on properties 0.32 acres to 1.70 acres in size.
The Board may wish to consider if the request is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area and to recognize existing development trends.
The Board of County Commissioners will consider the request on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Beginning at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Brevard County Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Commission Room, Viera, Florida.
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