Approval Re: Contract for Sale and Purchase from Owners Jennifer Grant, Max Brandes and Teresa Paiva for the Lift Station F02 Reconstruction Project- District 2.
Fiscal Impact:
FY 2019-2020 $263,000.00; 4153/365310/5610000/516739; Water Resources CIP/WR Sykes Creek WW CIP/Land/F02 Lift Station Land.
Public Works Department / Land Acquisition / Utility Services Department
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners: 1) approve, accept, and authorize the Chair to execute the Contract for Sale and Purchase, and 2) waive the requirement for a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment as required by Administrative Order 37.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The subject property is located in Section 19, Township 24 South, Range 37 East, north of Sykes Creek Parkway, south of HWY 528, west of North Banana River Drive in the Surfside Estates Subdivision on the east side of South Harbor Drive in Merritt Island.
The Brevard County Utility Services Department is planning an improvement project to benefit Lift Station F02. The acquisition of this parcel enables the department to relocate the existing Lift Station F02 that will include numerous upgrades to the system. Additionally, acquisition of this parcel will allow the department to relocate the existing lift station outside of the public right of way. The current location requires field staff to work in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle travel lanes; i.e. between the sidewalk and roadway. The relocation would also reduce the potential for the facility to be struck by errant vehicles.
The zoning/land use for this parcel is RU-1-11/Single Family Residence. Based on the current use as a residential parcel and the intended use by the department, the department requests the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment be waived.
Fair market value was established by obtaining a Uniform Residential Appraisal from Callaway and Price, Inc., repor...
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