Roxy and Cheri White requests five variances for accessory structures in an RR-1 zoning classification. (23V00052) (Tax Account 2406894) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of Adjustment conduct a public hearing to consider five variances for accessory structures in an RR-1 (Rural Residential) zoning classification.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Roxy and Cheri White requests variances of Chapter 62, Article VI, Brevard County Code as follows, 1.) Section 62-2100.5(1)(b), to permit a variance of 606 sq. ft. over the permitted 3,790 sq. ft. of all detached accessory buildings exceeding the floor area of the principal structure; 2.) Section 62-1336(5)(b), to permit a variance of 3.1 ft from the required 15-foot side (south) setback for an accessory structure; 3.) Section 62-1336(5)(b), to permit a variance of 2.8 ft from the required 15-foot rear setback for an accessory structure; 4.) Section 62-2100.5(1)(d), to permit a variance of 423 square feet over the permitted 50% of living area of the principal structure size limitation for an accessory structure; 5.) Section 62-2100.5(1)(a), to permit a variance of one additional accessory structure over the permitted seven accessory structures in an RR-1 (Rural Residential) zoning classification. The property is 2.12 acres, located on the west side of Friday Road, approx. 113 ft south of Craig Rd. (1665 Friday Rd., Cocoa)
Clerk to the Board Instructions: