Villas of Sherwood Titusville, Inc.; Algarrobo Development, LLC; Sherwood Golf Club, Inc.; and TRSTE, LLC, (Jorge Ballarena) requests a change of zoning classification from, GU, AU, EU, SR, RU-1-11, RU-1-13, RU-2-10, RU-2-15, and PUD with two existing BDP's, to all PUD and removal of two existing BDPs. (23Z00035) (Tax Accounts 2100937, 2113020, 2112021, 2113023, 2113024, 2100938, 2100939, 2100940, 2100942, 2100943, 2100952, 2100953, 211319, & 2101061) (District 1)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning and Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from GU (General Use), AU (Agricultural Residential), EU (Estate Use Residential), SR (Suburban Residential), RU-1-11 (Single-Family Residential), RU-1-13 (Single-Family Residential), RU-2-10 (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential), RU-2-15 (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential), and PUD (Planned Unit Development) with two existing BDP's (Binding Development Plan), to all PUD and removal of two existing BDP's.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting a change of zoning classification from Medium-density Multi-family Residential (RU-2-15), Planned Unit Development (PUD), Agricultural Residential (AU), General Use (GU), Single-family Residential (RU-1-13), Single-family Residential (RU-1-11), Medium-density Multi-family Residential (RU-2-10), Estate Use Residential (EU), and Suburban Residential (SR) with BDPs to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and the removal of the BDPs on 136.46? acres.
The proposed PUD would allow 187 single-family units and 408 multi-family units within fourteen (14) parcels. The PDP shows the proposed multi-family units to be concentrated in the eastern side of the PUD off N. Carpenter Road. The subject property is located west of I-95 and south of SR 46 with frontage along two Brevard County maintained road rights-...
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