Approval, Re: Tourist Development Council FY 2024-2025 Marketing Support Program recommendations.
Fiscal Impact:
FY 2024-2025: $905,000 - $665,000 from Cultural Fund 1446, $240,000 from Marketing Fund 1441.
Tourism Development Office
Requested Action:
It is requested the Board of County Commissioners consider the following options and provide staff direction on the allocation of the FY 2024-2025 Marketing Support Program:
First Motion Requested:
Approve the Tourist Development Council's recommendation to approve funding for the FY 2024-2025 Marketing Support Program applications listed, including events that already occurred in this grant cycle, on Attachment A.
Second Motion Requested:
1. Approve distribution of an additional $20,000 per district commissioner with the individual Commissioner's request as listed below:
2. Approve a prorated distribution of the final $100,000 to the organizations listed on Attachment B.
3. Approve the use of the previous year's criteria and guidelines for distributing the $100,000 to the organizations that did not qualify and, therefore, did not apply under the Marketing Support Program as listed on Attachment C.
Third Motion Requested:
Staff is also seeking direction on fundings as:
1. Retain the current method as marketing support provided by the Tourism Development Office.
2. Allow applicants to choose between marketing support provided by the Tourism Development Office or direct reimbursements for allowable expenses.
Further, based on the facts specified for each grant, by approving this agenda item, the Board will make the legislative findings the Tourist Development Tax funds are authorized for marketing support pursuant to section 125.0104(5)(a)3, Florida Statutes, and Section 102-119(3)a,(5)(6), of the Brevard County Code of Ordinances. Each of the tourist oriented cultural and sports events have as one of its main purposes the attraction of tourists and th...
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