Committee Appointments RE: Public School Facility Planning and Concurrency Interlocal Agreement
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board appoint Keith Neterer as the County's representative to the Educational Facilities Impact Fee Benefit District Committee and Educational Facilities Capital Outlay Committee, and Jeffrey King and Naomi Adkins-Hicks as alternates.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Chapter 163, F.S., requires that local governments implement a concurrency program for public schools and include a Public School's Facilities Element within each jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan. The statutory requirement recognized the importance of public schools as an essential component of community viability. In 2008, the Brevard County School Board, Brevard County, and local municipalities jointly participated in the development of a Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element and Public-School Facility Planning
Concurrency Interlocal Agreement (ILA). Major provisions of these documents include:
* Concurrency management system for public schools
* Concurrency evaluation by the School Board for proposed residential developments to ensure that school capacity will be available concurrent with the development
* Coordination and compatibility with the County's Future Land Use Map for new school facilities
* Updating the Capital Improvements Element to include the School Board's five-year capital improvement program.
The ILA with the School Board and municipalities established the role of the Capital Outlay Committee (COC) and the Impact Fee Committee. These committees are charged with reviewing the potential sites for new schools, proposals for renovations, potential closures of existing schools, and opportunities to co-locate schools with other public facilities such as parks and libraries. Additionally, they review the School District's ann...
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