Approval, Re: Purchase Agreements, Resolutions, and County Deeds for a Portion of County Owned Parcels 110 and 112, and County Deeds and Resolutions for Existing County Rights-of-Way for Parcels 100, 101, and 109, all Related to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Facility Improvement Project 4074023 State Road 528 East from East of State Road 524 (Industry) to East of State Road 3 - District 2.
Fiscal Impact:
Receipt of total revenue $241,700.00.
Public Works Department / Land Acquisition
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chair to execute the attached Purchase Agreements, Resolutions, County Deeds, and any other instruments necessary to transfer the requested parcels.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The subject property is located in Sections 10, 11, 14 and 15, Township 24 South, Range 36 East, on the south side of State Road 528 East and west side of North Courtenay Parkway.
FDOT is planning a transportation improvement project for the State highway system known as State Road 528. The project encompasses State Road 528 East from east of State Road 524 (Industry) to east of State Road 3 (North Courtenay). To facilitate the project, the Department needs to acquire additional rights-of-way from the County.
Parcels 100, 101, and 109 are existing County rights-of-way which will be transferred to the ownership and maintenance responsibilities of FDOT. Parcels 110 and 112 are a portion of County owned parcels.
For Parcel 110, FDOT has provided an appraisal report from Callaway and Price dated February 15, 2024, with an assigned value of $6,700.00. The attached Purchase Agreement is for full appraised value.
For Parcel 112, FDOT has provided an appraisal report from Callaway and Price dated April 24, 2024, with an assigned value of $235,000.00. The attached Purchase Agreement is for the full appraised value.
The User Department ...
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