Florida Department of Environmental Protection Indian River Lagoon Grant Funding Agreements - All districts
Fiscal Impact:
A total of $36,154,900 in revenue from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Indian River Lagoon Grants Program for the following projects, each of which has local match previously approved by the Board in the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan:
1. $900,000 - Septic Upgrades to Advanced Treatment Units
2. $1,800,000 - Quick Connects to Sewer
3. $10,053,228 - Grand Canal Muck Dredging Project - Phase VI
4. $400,000 - South Beaches Zones O and P Septic to Sewer Project
5. $1,900,000 - Merritt Island Zone C Septic to Sewer Project
6. $2,000,000 - Merritt Island Zone F Septic to Sewer Project
7. $10,327,172 - Merritt Island Zone G Septic to Sewer Project
8. $900,000 - South Banana Zone B Septic to Sewer Project
9. $1,874,500 - South Central Zone D Septic to Sewer Project
10. $6,000,000 - Sykes Creek Zone T Septic to Sewer Project
Natural Resources Management (NRM)
Requested Action:
In order to accomplish work proposed in the following awarded Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Indian River Lagoon Grant agreements:
LG001 - Indian River Lagoon, Septic Upgrades to Advanced Treatment Units (100 sites);
LG002 - Indian River Lagoon, Quick Connects to Sewer (200 homes);
LG003 - Grand Canal Muck Dredging Project - Phase VI;
LG004 - South Beaches Zones O and P Septic to Sewer Project;
WG004 - Merritt Island Zone C Septic to Sewer Project;
WG005 - Merritt Island Zone F Septic to Sewer Project;
WG006 - Merritt Island Zone G Septic to Sewer Project;
WG094 - South Banana Zone B Septic to Sewer Project;
WG011 - South Central Zone D Septic to Sewer Project; and
LGXXX - Sykes Creek Zone T Septic to Sewer Project;
it is requested that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the County Manager to: 1) execute the grant contracts, amen...
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