Approval to upgrade UKG's Telestaff software to the latest version and move to a cloud environment as well as implement modules which will allow centralizing employee time-related documents, reporting and automating payroll data integration to SAP.
Fiscal Impact:
UKG Telestaff Migration/Payroll Automation Implementation
FY 25: $251,116.58
UKG Annual User Licenses, Storage, and Document Management Database
FY 25: $125,333.50
FY 26: $125,333.50
FY 27: $125,333.50
Public Safety Group: Fire Rescue
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners: (1) authorize staff to procure UKG user licenses, migrate to the cloud model, and integrate with SAP for automating payroll data; (2) authorize the County Manager to execute order forms, agreements, task orders, change orders, modifications, and amendments and; (3) authorize the County Manager to establish the necessary budget to implement this upgrade and implementation.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Fire Rescue Department has utilized UKG's Telestaff software since 2006.
UKG has notified the County that they are ending support for all on-premises implementations of its Telestaff module on December 31, 2025. Going forward, UKG will only be supporting SaaS users (i.e., its cloud-based platform). Staff recommends moving forward with this next step including additional features of automating payroll data. Since its adoption in 2006, Brevard County Fire Rescue staff has deeply embedded this software into its processes and has developed significant efficiencies utilizing the software's features.
To increase efficiency, staff recommendations include adding UKG Pro Document Management which centralizes employee documents, UKG Pro Workforce Management Analytics providing reporting tools assisting with dashboards and analysis of Key Performance Indicators data, and UKG pro WFM Integration module used to integrate payroll data to SAP, th...
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