Amendment to BCC-24, Acquisition, Sale, Lease, Exchange, Dedication and Donation of Real Property, to update the process for more efficiency.
Fiscal Impact:
District 3
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board approve amendments to Board policy BCC-24, Acquisition, Sale, Lease, Exchange, Dedication and Donation of Real Property, to provide a more efficient process.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The proposed amendments are intended to create a more efficient process that will result in time savings for County staff, decrease gap time for development projects awaiting Certificate of Occupancy issuance pending the Board's acceptance of the County code required dedications, and decrease said required dedications from the Consent Agenda. It also streamlines the policy to allow for the County Manager, or designee, to execute documentation once approved by the Board.
The primary use is where a proposed private activity is dictated by the Brevard County Code, including site plans or subdivisions, requiring easements, fee simple or right-of-way dedications in favor of the County. If the County Manager has concerns with or objections, then the item shall be brought before the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting as New Business or Unfinished Business for review and approval or denial by the Board.
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Please forward the signed original BCC-24 to the County Manager’s Office.