Re: Permission to Procure Products or Services on the Vendor of Record for the County's Fiscal Year 2024-25.
Fiscal Impact:
Estimated amounts to be procured are based upon historical use by County Departments and Offices and are within the County's Adopted FY 2024-25 Annual Operating and Capital Budget.
Central Services/Purchasing Services
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners authorize Purchasing Services to coordinate the procurement actions included in the County's Adopted FY 2024-25 Annual Operating and Capital Budget:
1. Approve the use of the attached listing of Vendor of Record for the County's FY 2024-25, as these products or services have been determined to be the sole/single source; and
2. Approval of the use of State Contract(s), Cooperative Contracts, and other agency contracts when market research dictates that utilizing such is in the best interest of the County; and
3. Approval of the competitive procurement when it's in the best interest of the County for the approved Vendor of Record or Cooperative Purchasing programs; and
4. Approve the issuance of purchase orders, and authorize the County Manager to execute contracts, contract renewals, contract amendments, and any necessary contract extensions, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney's Office, Risk Management, and Purchasing Services.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Board's Policy BCC-25, "Procurement," requires the Board's approval of the following purchases over $200,000:
* Sole-source, Single-Source, or Proprietary purchases, which in many cases may be the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for parts and services compatibility.
* Competitive State or other cooperative contracts/agreements when market research dictates these contracts/agreements are in the best interest of the County.
Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, Purchasing Services, Departments, and Off...
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