Luz Nogueroles (Timothy Vulpius) requests a change in zoning classification from AU to RR-1. (24Z00060) (Tax Account 2509830) (District 2)
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Planning & Zoning Board conduct a public hearing to consider a change of zoning classification from AU (Agricultural Residential) to RR-1 (Rural Residential)
Summary Explanation and Background:
The applicant is requesting to rezone 1 acre of a 5 acre parcel from AU (Agricultural Residential) to RR-1 (Rural Residential). Currently, the 5 acre parcel is developed with a single-family residence, a barn, and a stable. After rezoning, the applicant intends to split the parcel. The single-family residence would be located on the 1 acre portion. The existing barn and stable would be located on the remaining 4 acres and retain the AU zoning classification. The subject property has access to Martin Road, a county-maintained roadway.
The current AU zoning classification encompasses lands devoted to agricultural pursuits and single-family residential development of spacious character on 2.5 acre lots, with a minimum lot width and depth of 150 feet. The minimum house size in AU is 750 square feet. The AU classification also permits the raising/grazing of animals, fowl and beekeeping.
The proposed RR-1 classification encompasses lands devoted to single-family residential development of spacious character, together with such accessory uses as may be necessary or are normally compatible with residential surroundings on minimum one acre lots with a minimum lot width and depth of 125 feet. Under Sec. 62-2100.5(2) the RR-1 classification permits horses, barns, and horticultural pursuits as accessory uses to a single-family residence pursuant to the following limitations. Horses, not to exceed four per acre, are permitted for the personal, noncommercial use of the occupant of the property, provided there is a minimum of 10,000 square feet of land for each animal. Agricultural pursuits shall be limited to the keeping of horses and activities of a horticultural nature. No other farm animals or fowl shall be kept on the property and no produce shall be sold from the premises. The minimum house size is 1,200 square feet. The subject property improvements meet the requirements for the RR-1 zoning classification.
North of the subject property is a single-family residence zoned AU (Agricultural Residential) built on 5 acres with a RES 15 FLU designation. South of the subject property is a 3.92 acre parcel of vacant land. It is zoned AU and has a FLU of RES 15. East of the subject property is the Phillips Landing subdivision within the City of Rockledge boundary on the east side of Martin Rd. The zoning is LDR, Low density Residential with a R2 (5 DUA). West of the subject property is 42.2 acre site that is zoned AU within a RES 4 FLU designation.
The Board may wish to consider if the request is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area.
The Board of County Commissioners will consider the request on Thursday, February 6, 2025, beginning at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Brevard County Government Center, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Commission Room, Viera, Florida.
Clerk to the Board Instructions: