Final Plat and Contract Approval, Re: Farallon Fields - Phase 3 Developer: The Viera Company District 4
Fiscal Impact:
Planning and Development
Requested Action:
In accordance with Section 62-2841(i) and Section 62-2844, it is requested that the Board of County Commissioners grant final plat approval and authorize the Chair to sign the final plat and infrastructure contract for Farallon Fields - Phase 3
Summary Explanation and Background:
There are three stages of review for subdivision plan approval: the pre-application conference, the preliminary plat/final engineering plan review, and the final plat review. The pre-application conference for Farallon Fields was held on March 30, 2023. The preliminary plat and final engineering plans, which is the second stage of approval, were approved on September 11, 2023. The third stage of review is the final plat approval for recordation. The applicant is posting a performance bond and contract for guarantee of the completion of the infrastructure improvements.
Farallon Fields - Phase 3 is located south of Pineda Boulevard and west of the intersection of Stadium Parkway in a DRI District designated by Brevard County's Future Land Use Map. Potable water for the subdivision will be provided by the City of Cocoa. Sewer service will be provided by Brevard County. The proposed subdivision contains 52 single family attached residential lots on 19.4 acres. Staff has reviewed the final plat and contract for Farallon Fields - Phase 3 and has determined that it complies with the applicable ordinances.
This approval is subject to minor engineering changes as applicable. Board approval of this project does not relieve the developer from obtaining all other necessary jurisdictional permits.
Reference: 23SD00003, 24FM00006
Contact: Tim Craven, Planner III, 321-350-8266
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Please have the contract signed and return the original and a certified copy to Planning and Development.