Board Direction on Request from Space Florida Connection Sykes Creek Wastewater (Merritt Island) Treatment Facility (District 2)
Fiscal Impact:
Requesting $130M from Space Florida for improvements to the Sykes Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) plus receiving monthly sewer user rates from each sewer account created within the specified sewer service area within Space Florida (see attachment A)
Utility Services Department
Requested Action:
Staff is requesting direction from the Board regarding the attached draft response letter to Space Florida created by Brevard County staff. The draft letter (see attachment B) states that the overall capital cost requested by Brevard County from Space Florida is $130M for capital improvements to the Sykes Creek WWTF to accommodate the additional sewer flows from Space Florida and outlines key conditions requested by Brevard County to be included in any agreement.
Summary Explanation and Background:
Over the past 6 months, dialogue has been on-going between Space Florida and Brevard County regarding Space Florida’s request to connect to the Sykes Creek sewer collection system located on Merritt Island. This dialogue was initiated by Space Florida due to the wastewater treatment plant capacity, operated by Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and serves the Space Florida area, is near its capacity causing Space Florida to seek alternative solutions for additional treatment plant capacity to serve continued growth in the space sector. Throughout our discussions, it was the County’s prerogative to assure that no environmental mishaps would occur from accepting Space Florida sewer flows and to assure that there would be no financial burden to the County utility rate payers.
This matter was most recently brought forth to the Board at the December 3, 2024, Regular Board Meeting to update the Board on their request with a commitment from staff to update the Board on any progress made between Space Florida and the County. Since the mentioned Board meeting, dialogue between Space Florida and Brevard County has continued with the most recent meeting held on December 9, 2024, held with representation from Brevard County, Space Florida, State of Florida and Economic Development Commission. During this meeting it was expressed by Space Florida that they intend to make any investment needed without causing financial burden on the county’s rate payers. Their request to the County is to evaluate what additional investment would be needed beyond the force main extension along North Courtney Parkway, which Space Florida has already committed to entirely paying for it, and to notify them of such amount.
In response to this request by Space Florida, this Department has evaluated what Space Florida estimates will be the additional flow to the County’s sewer system: 0.3 million gallons per day (MGD) by 2027 and 0.7 MGD by 2034. Our evaluation was based on a buildout condition of Merritt Island due to the State law requirements of nutrient reduction in BMAP areas within the Indian River Lagoon in addition to the continued progress of septic-to-sewer projects on Merritt Island. Thus, any additional wastewater capacity needed to accommodate their additional flows were assessed and an evaluation of future investment in the collection system were tabulated with estimated total project costs (see attachment B which quantifies the projects and project costs). In total, this Department estimates that $130M investment will be needed at the Sykes Creek WWTF to accommodate full buildout within Merritt Island and for the added flow demands which Space Florida has requested.
Per a letter from Space Florida dated January 10, 2025 (see attachment C), Space Florida has most recently requested any feedback from the County on a proposal with a goal to soon finalize an agreement. Thus, the County Staff has prepared a draft response letter (Attachment B) which is intended to address both Space Florida’s request and protect the County and its rate payers.
Based on the forgoing, staff seeks to update the Board as to the progress in this matter and importantly seek the Board’s direction on our response to Space Florida.
Of course, should Space Florida agree to the capital costs associated with the proposed expansion, any agreement will be brought before the Board of County Commissioners for its consideration and approval. All flow from Space Florida facilities coming t the County will be limited to qualifying sewage (complying with all FDEP permit requirements) and will have strict compliance measures, assurances, monitoring and violation indemnifications to protect the County and the County Utility rate payers.
Attachment A - Space Florida Service Area Map
Attachment B - Draft Letter to Space Florida prepared by Staff for Board Consideration
Attachment C - Space Florida letter dated January 10, 2025, requesting an agreement.
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
E-mail the Clerk memo to and mail the original to the Utility Services Department.