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File #: 7562   
Type: Public Hearing Status: Adopted
File created: 11/1/2024 In control: Public Works Department
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: Approval of an Amendment to Chapter 62, Article X, Division 6, Section 62-3751, Exhibit A - Stormwater Management Criteria; Subsections 4.6(d) and 4.6(j), Brevard County Code of Ordinances, to allow polypropylene pipe in the County right of way and provide for administrative waivers for inverted siphons.
Attachments: 1. Draft Ordinance - Stormwater.pdf, 2. Business Impact Estimate Code Change Chapter 62-3751.docx



Approval of an Amendment to Chapter 62, Article X, Division 6, Section 62-3751, Exhibit A - Stormwater Management Criteria; Subsections 4.6(d) and 4.6(j), Brevard County Code of Ordinances, to allow polypropylene pipe in the County right of way and provide for administrative waivers for inverted siphons.


Fiscal Impact:



Public Works & Planning & Development

Requested Action:


Staff is requesting the Board of County Commissioners review and approve the attached proposed ordinance.


Summary Explanation and Background:

On August 22, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners (the “Board”) granted legislative intent and permission to advertise an ordinance amending Chapter 62 - Article X - Environmental Protection and Conservation, Division 6. - Stormwater Management Criteria - Sec. 62-3756, Exhibit A Subsections 4.6(d) and 4.6(j), of the Brevard County Code of Ordinances.


The Board granted legislative intent and permission to advertise the proposed ordinance:


Draft an ordinance amending Chapter 62 - Article X - Environmental Protection and Conservation, Division 6. - Stormwater Management Criteria - Sec. 62-3756, Exhibit A Subsection 4.6(d) and 4.6 (j) to accomplish the following:


Allow for FDOT polypropylene pipe to be used in the County Right of Way.

Allow staff to administratively approve inverted siphons within private sites subject to meeting certain criteria to mitigate maintenance concerns.


Presently the code restricts pipe materials within the County Right of Way to reinforced concrete pipe or PVC meeting DOT approval. In 2014, polypropylene pipe passed the needed testing to be accepted for 100-year side drain, cross drain and storm sewer applications for use by the Florida Department of Transportation. Staff at the request of Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., have reviewed the current material requirements and observed how these pipes have performed since 2014. The proposed code change would allow FDOT approved polypropylene pipe as an additional pipe material option within the County Right of Way.


The current code also does not allow for the use of inverted siphons without a Board Approved waiver. The development community has requested the code be streamlined to allow for inverted siphons within private sites and where maintenance concerns are mitigated. Staff coordinated with the development community on when inverted siphons could be acceptable. The proposed code change would allow staff to administratively approve inverted siphons on private sites subject to meeting certain maintenance design criteria.


Therefore, Staff requests approval of an amendment to Section 62-3751, Exhibit A, 4.6(d) and 4.6(j) as follows:


(d) Pipe materials. All pipes within public rights-of-way and saltwater or brackish outfalls shall be reinforced concrete pipe, polypropylene pipe, or PVC meeting FDOT approval. Other pipe materials may be used at other locations if soil conditions allow and with the approval of the reviewer. All steel pipe shall be completely bituminous coated. Round concrete pipe shall use "O" ring joints.


(j) Inverted siphons. Inverted siphons shall not may be permitted by administrative approval/waiver from the Brevard County Public Works Department reviewer under the following conditions:


1.                      Inverted siphons (bubble-up structures) shall not be located within public rights-of-way or in residential developments.


2.                     Flooding to offsite areas is prohibited. The upstream end of the inverted siphon shall provide reserve/emergency storage onsite for the rainfall from 25-year/24-hour storm event pursuant to Section 4.1 - Design Storm (Minimum) in this Exhibit A. Reserve/emergency storage can be provided within the parking lots outside of the accessible parking and accessible routes.


3.                      The structures on both ends of the inverted siphon shall include a minimum one-foot (1’) deep internal sump.


4.                      A minimum fourteen-foot (14’) wide paved access up to the structures on both ends of the inverted siphon shall be provided for maintenance.


5.                      A maintenance agreement shall be provided by the property owner that includes the maintenance frequency of the inverted siphon, the increased maintenance needs for the inverted siphon, and potential increased costs associated with such a system. The agreement shall also acknowledge that the County shall not be responsible for any maintenance obligations.


These changes have been recommended for approval by both the BCAC and LPA with a recommendation that the proposed language of 4.6(j)(1) be changed to “Inverted siphons (bubble-up structures) shall not be located within public rights-of-way or in or adjacent to residential developments.”

Clerk to the Board Instructions: