Workshop for Speak Up Brevard Citizen Efficiency and Effectiveness (CEER) program for the Board of County Commissioners to receive and consider citizen recommendations.
Fiscal Impact:
District 1 Commission
Requested Action:
Workshop to hear and consider citizen submissions for the Speak Up Brevard 2025 annual program to receive citizen suggestions for the consideration of the Board of County Commissioners. Proposed dates are February 18th and February 27th at 5:00 p.m.
Summary Explanation and Background:
On November 2, 2010 Brevard voters approved a referendum initiated through the Charter Review Commission for citizens to make recommendations to the Brevard County Board of Commissioners. The referendum requires the Board of County Commissioners to develop procedures that will provide a mechanism for an individual, or an organized group of individuals requires a process and mechanism for citizens to submit a formal written recommendation for the enhancement of the effectiveness and efficiency of County government to the County Commission on an annual basis.
The initial BCC-95 board policy was approved on May 24, 2011, with revisions approved on April 23, 2024.
For the current cycle the CEER program website will open on January 1st, 2025 to receive citizen suggestions on the county’s Speak Up Brevard website. The annual filing deadline per BCC-95 is January 31st. Citizen recommendations received by this date will be included in the 2025 CEER cycle for the board’s consideration. This workshop is proposed for the board to hear presentations from citizens that have submitted recommendations.
Citizen suggestions presented during the 2025 CEER cycle will receive staff consideration and a board vote within 120 days of the annual January 31st filing deadline. Citizens who wish to present their recommendations are encouraged to submit their ideas through the Speak Up Brevard website and to attend the proposed workshop to make a presentation to the board.
Clerk to the Board Instructions: