Permission to Accept a Grant from the Florida Department of Commerce and to Competitively Bid/Procure, Award, and Execute Construction Contracts, Task Orders, Change Orders, Agreements, Modifications, Amendments, and Budget Change Requests for the Design and Construction of Building Improvements at the County Owned Blue Crab Cove Working Waterfront Facility (D2)
Fiscal Impact:
$890,000 in Grant Funds (HL 197) with match from the Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency $300,000 (1510/300000) and site lease revenue $40,000 (0034/223222)
Natural Resources Management
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board: 1) Authorize the Chairman to execute a Grant Agreement between Brevard County and the Florida Department of Commerce; 2) Authorize the project matching funds; 3) Authorize the County Manager to execute Task Orders and Change Orders, as required in excess of $100,000, to accomplish work approved under the State Contract; 4) Authorize staff to competitively bid and the County Manager to execute a construction contract with the lowest responsive and qualified bidder; and 4) authorize associated Budget Change Requests.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department, Boating & Waterways Program, submitted a fiscal year 2023-2024 Legislative Appropriation request for the construction of building improvements at the County-owned Blue Crab Cove Working Waterfront Facility. Grant funding through the State Department of Commerce (HL 197) was approved in the amount of $890,000 for reconstruction of the site’s wholesale seafood market, Ms. Apples Crab Shack. On June 29, 2023, the Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency unanimously approved $300,000 in project matching funds.
The Blue Crab Cove Working Waterfront site, acquired in 2009 through the Stan Mayfield Working Waterfront Grant program, is the last riverfront commercial fishery operation on the Indian River Lagoon in Brevard County. The Crab Shack building, housing a locally sourced wholesale/retail crab & seafood operation, has been weathered by storms and time. This project will rebuild the commercial fisheries building, solidifying commercial seafood industry operations in the community to ensure a lasting economic benefit to the region. Investment in a modernized wholesale seafood distribution facility will help the local seafood industry to be resilient and grow jobs within this business sector.
Clerk to the Board Instructions:
Please execute and attest one (1) original copy of the attached Grant Agreement (HL 197). Contact Matt Culver at <> for pick-up of the executed document.