Approval of Third Quarter Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Fiscal Impact:
The budget supplement amends the County’s budget from $2,109,617,628 to $2,131,429,396, an increase of $21,811,768 or 1.03%.
Budget Office
Requested Action:
It is requested that the Board of County Commissioners approve a Supplemental Budget for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution, and approve the budget changes and such actions as are necessary to implement the adopted changes.
Summary Explanation and Background:
The County’s Supplemental Budget for the Third Quarter of FY 2023-2024 is adopted by a resolution after holding a public hearing as required by Chapter 129, Florida Statutes. Supplemental Budget Change Requests for applicable County Agencies are included in the Supplemental package. These documents are attached for review and approval.
A summary of the proposed Budget Supplement, along with a notice of date and time of the public hearing, was advertised in the April 19, 2024, edition of the Florida Today.
Special Revenue Funds increase by $7.0M, which is primarily due to increases associated with the following departments and programs: Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement MSTU, Confiscated Property, and Inmate Commissary fund balances are being recognized and allocated to capital and operating purchases associated with these programs; Fire Rescue Assessment & EMS funds primarily associated with multi-year capital projects and equipment; Emergency Management 800 MHz reconfiguration project.
Enterprise Funds increase by $6.3M, primarily due to projects and equipment purchases being carried-forward in the Utility Services funds due to long-lead times associated with material and equipment purchases, offset by Transit Services decrease associated with timing of grant reimbursements.
General Funds increase by $5.7M, primarily due to General Government fund balance, which is being allocated to critical needs for the Public Works culvert inspection team and Facilities capital projects, as well as Sheriff’s Office recognition of various grants received by the agency.
Transportation Trust Funds increase by $4.0M due to local option gas tax revenue trending higher than anticipated and being recognized and allocated to allow project progression in on-going transportation projects.
Internal Service Funds increase by $2.2M, which is the result of the Information Technology fund balance being more than anticipated related to the ongoing SAP S/4 HANA project.
Capital Project Funds decrease by $3.5M due to the on-going construction of the new Emergency Operations Center, which progressed quicker than anticipated in Fiscal Year 2022-2023, resulting in a lower fund balance than anticipated.
Clerk to the Board Instructions: