changed the plan. He stated he would love to get guard rail, like to get his pipes buried but that
is not going to happen; Friday Road was completely ignored; it is going to get a lot of the traffic;
he realizes that, they are a 45 mph; and there was talk about making the whole development
35, but then people would whine that they could not get out fast enough. He expressed his
concern for the people on Cox and Friday; he inquired if there is something the County can do;
and he commented how about the speed limit signs, can they get a couple of those signs,
throw them in for a while at maximum capacity just to remind everybody this is residential out
here. He went on to say this is going to kill some golf cart people on Friday Road; he will not
ride his bike on it right now; the County does not mow the side enough for him to even pull
over; he asked the Board to have a little concern for that stuff; James Road is getting traffic
calming, but he does not know if everyone knows exactly what they are getting; and he just
wanted people to have a fair opportunity to vote.
Lee Windschitl stated there has been an increase in speeding on James Road in the 25 years
he has lived there; the Walmart Distribution Center on State Road (SR) 524 got a stop light, a
lot of the speeding is to get around two of those three stop lights; there is one at Friday Road
and SR 524; one at the Walmart Distribution Center, and one at SR 524 and Cox Road, so
people are speeding down James Road to beat two of those three stop lights whether they are
going west or east; and it significantly increased the speeding on James Road. He continued by
saying Florida Power and Light (FPL) came in and put in large concrete power poles that block
the view of the people that come down the road; they are on the south side of the road, and he
lives on the south side of the road so when he pulls up to the edge of his driveway on James
Road, he is having to try and see if anything is coming because of those power poles; he has to
be careful somebody speeding does not run into him or he does not hit them when pulling out.
He commented they are adding 250 homes to James Road so people know that the speeding
is going to increase; as a minimum they need the speed tables, bare minimum, to slow them
down as much as possible; and there will still be people that will speed over them. He asked
the Board to please vote yes to give the residents the speed tables on James Road; and he
stated the Board has to do something or someone is going to be killed, someone walking a
dog, pushing a stroller or riding a horse.
Ed Dwyer stated he observed the speeding on James Road having lived there for 24 years. He
mentioned he made the traffic calming survey that everybody saw and had presented to the
Board; they are the ones that walk their dogs between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.; he gets to
observe everybody going down the road and the people on James Road that live on James
Road very rarely speed, but the people that use James Road as a crossroads speed a lot; they
deal with a specific bus driver, daily, that he has to wave down daily that speeds down James
Road going 50 mph, with a bus; it is unsafe for people right now, if they add 250 to 400 homes
and maybe 500 to 800 cars to that road; study showed that when they did this study over a
three day period that there were 680 cars on average, that is people using their cars three or
four times a day going back and forth to Walmart, going back and forth to work that is how
many is going down there now, so to add another 800 cars to that. He stated the bottom line,
what the residents are looking for is that they all know that James Road, and to bring up the
guy on Friday Road, James Road is way different than Cox Road and Friday Road, James
Road has a 24-foot wide ditch, it averages 12 feet deep, it is three feet from the edge of the
road on average from the edge of the pavement on the Northside, and then the concrete poles
are five feet on the Southside; there is a pinch point there; if he or she is between the pole and
the ditch he or she would have three feet on one side and five feet on the other side to get out
of the way whether he or she is in a golf cart, on a horse, walking the dog, kids riding their
bicycle, or pushing a kid in a carriage; and everybody on Friday Road and Cox Road, they all
use James Road, he sees them every weekend. He added they are all there on their golf carts
they are bringing their kids down there, and with all this traffic, if this is not done, then there is
going to be fatalities. He mentioned if he is wrong, the builder has agreed to put these speed
tables in; and none of the residents have a problem with having the guard rails, definitely have