E.1. Frank Abbate, County Manager
E.2. Morris Richardson, County Attorney
E.3. Katie Delaney, Commissioner District 1
E.4 Tom Goodson, Commissioner District 2, Vice-Chair
E.5. Kim Adkinson, Commissioner District 3
E.6. Thad Altman, Commissioner District 5
E.7. Rob Feltner, Commissioner District 4, Chairman
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes,
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please notify the County Manager's Office no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting at (321)
Assisted listening system receivers are available for the hearing impaired and can be obtained
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and CELL PHONE REMAIN OFF while the County Commission is in session. Thank You.
This meeting will be broadcast live on Space Coast Government Television (SCGTV) on
Spectrum Cable Channel 499, Comcast (North Brevard) Cable Channel 51, and Comcast
(South Brevard) Cable Channel 13 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. SCGTV will also replay
this meeting during the coming month on its 24-hour video server nights, weekends, and